I am completely satisfied with your products however would like to make a suggestion. It has to do with the position of the on/off switch on the electric tooth brush handle.
I have read your suggestions on “The Proper Way to Brush”, spending 30-seconds in the four quadrants of your mouth by taking advantage of the timing cycle that the toothbrush offers and, Wow what a difference… however the on/off switch on the toothbrush handle is positioned where a person using a manual toothbrush would naturally put their thumb. This poses a conflict and I inadvertently turn off my toothbrush during a normal 2-minute brushing cycle.
I would think that your R&D department could find a more suitable location for the On/Off button. A position that would not conflict with a brushing cycle. Not complaining, just trying to make your toothbrush more convenient to use. Thanks for listening, Dennis Kirkwood